Food grade tanker trucks and milk tanker trucks

"Becema" machine-building plant offers a wide product range of food grade tanker trucks for transportation of ethyl alcohol, alcohol-containing liquids, wine-making materials and milk (milk tanker trucks). Both major manufacturers and small-scale enterprises are among our customers. The nominal useful capacity of BCM food grade tanks varies between 32 000 to 1 000 L, which allows to select optimal capacity and functionality of the vehicles for every customer.

BCM-42.3 tank semi-trailer for liquid foodstuff BCM-42.3 tank semi-trailer for liquid foodstuff
BCM-138 tanker truck for liquid foodstuff BCM-138 tanker truck for liquid foodstuff
BCM-139 tanker truck for liquid foodstuff BCM-139 tanker truck for liquid foodstuff
BCM-140 tank semi-trailer for liquid foodstuff BCM-140 tank semi-trailer for liquid foodstuff
BCM-145 tank semi-trailer for liquid foodstuff BCM-145 tank semi-trailer for liquid foodstuff
BCM-226 tanker truck for liquid foodstuff BCM-226 tanker truck for liquid foodstuff
BCM-227 tanker truck for liquid foodstuff BCM-227 tanker truck for liquid foodstuff

Food grade tanker trucks: design features

We use 304 INOX corrosion-resistant steel and its equivalents to manufacture vessels and pipelines of our food grade tanker trucks. 70 mm-layer of rock wool provides heat insulation. Most of the models are equipped with thermally insulated manholes and temperature control devices for transported liquids.

Our product range includes customized milk tanker trucks of large capacity and multi-compartment food grade tanker trucks for simultaneous transportation of different types of cargo.

Loading/unloading equipment:

  • Loading: the tank is either top-filled or bottom-filled with a pump through a meter.
  • Unloading: by gravity through common collector or with a pumping unit.
Delivery/suction discharge hoses are supplied. If the customer has some specific requirements, tanks for ethyl alcohol, milk or other liquid foodstuff can be equipped with optional equipment.

Milk tanker trucks

Unlike the tanks for non-food products, milk tanker trucks are equipped with thermal insulation, and materials used for vessel manufacturing differ in their properties. Inner tank is made of stainless food-grade steel. The outer tank is made of:
  • galvanized sheet painted with polyurethane chemical-resistant enamels, coating thickness 1,2 mm;
  • white PVC plastic;
  • mirror-finished corrosion-resistant steel, thickness 0,6 mm.
All materials are safe for health, do not emit toxic substances and keep the sensory properties of transported liquids unaffected.

"Becema" milk tanker trucks are equipped with:

  • meters with data displays;
  • DN50 with shut-off devices for each compartment at the top of the tank;
  • air operated butterfly gates in each compartment;
  • thermally-insulated inlets heated with ducts from independent heating unit.
Effective technologies of thermal insulation ensure preservation of transported milk inside milk tanker truck for long periods of time. Maximum allowable temperature rise of the cargo is within 2°C in 10 hours at outside-inside temperature difference of 30°C.

Milk tanker truck: tank options:

Multi-compartment tanker trucks of unibody design with thermal insulated cylindrical tanks are manufactured for large dairy processors:
  • BCM-145 milk tanker truck of nominal capacity of 32 500 L;
  • BCM-140 milk tanker truck of nominal capacity of 22 000 L;
Maximum tank loading time is 45 min. To transport dairy products to retail locations we developed a milk tanker truck of small capacity, equipped with a catwalk, foldable handrail and ladder at the rear of the tank for operator's convenience.

We manufacture two models with tanks of elliptical cross-section:
  • BCM-227 milk tanker truck on ISUZU NLR85A, 4х2 chassis, with capacity of 1000 L;
  • BCM-226 milk tanker truck on GAZ-3302, 4х2 chassis, with capacity of 1200 L;

Buy food grade tanker trucks

Milk tanker trucks can be used to transport other food grade liquids with maximum density of 1,03 g/cm³.

In order to receive more detailed information on equipment specifications and buy a milk tanker truck, call: +7(495) 777-02-27.